How to Stay Physically Active During the Winter!

If you love being outdoors to work up a sweat but notice that your activity level decline after day-light savings or you're looking to begin a workout routine before the New Year but just can't imagine running in the cold! Look no further,here a few tips you can begin or continue your daily workout routine during the cold winter days!

-First off,we need to remember that,in any temperature we're not used to,we need to give our body some time to get acclimated to it. So if its been awhile since you've met a cold winter day just try your best to push through it because in time you will become accustomed to the weather change!

-Try doing mild aerobics before leaving the house for a walk or a run! Light aerobics that get your blood flowing and your heart rate up such as jogging in place or jumping jacks before stepping out the door will warm you up nicely and not so shocking to your body.

-Dress accordingly,layer it up as much as you can but still allowing your body to have comfort while exercising. Layers make a great way to stay warm and can easily be peeled off as your workout adrenaline kicks in!

-Gym buddies,this maybe a nice to think about a no contract gym to attend to for those days that can seem unbearable to exercise outdoors. Try calling up all your friends for a gym buddy,things can get hectic during the holidays,so enlisting a buddy system can be a helpful way to keep you on track and focused on your health goals!

-If you're not a fan of the gym,maybe consider investing in a few gym like pieces of equipment for in home use! Resistance bands,weights and yoga matts are low in cost and are extremely convenient/effective! Set aside your "gym time" in your home everyday at a certain time to program your brain to think of exercising at that specific time! Then store away all of your workout equipment in a closet!

There are so many ways to stay active this winter and with help of friends or even the internet,you can constantly switch up your routine before you get bored of it!  Remember some winters last anywhere from 3-5 MONTHS! depending on where you live in the world,that can be quite sometime without exercise in your life,the key is to stay active and excited about different ways to incorporate health and exercise into our daily lives!